Monday, August 18, 2008

The Internet has been curing acne

A growing amount of people have had enough of the frustration caused by using traditional acne products in their attempt to get rid of acne ... Sick and tired of the temporary relief, (if that) provided by these physical acne products people are searching The Information Super Highway for alternative acne solutions...The true solutions are coming in the form of e-books ... They are l getting rid of acne with knowledge... Not tubes and bottles. They don't work.

I will list a lot of these products along with return percentages. These return percentages make it abundantly clear as to which product(s) will help you conquer the problem of acne...

Note: if a product has N/A in the return column it is a great product with less than .01% returned. When a product contains 3% returns or less it should be viewed as being a good product. 0% returns indicates a new product not having enough sales history. But just because it is new does not mean it is a bad product.

You to can get rid of acne,,, click on the product name to check them out. Click the back button to come back and check another...

Product Name/ Return %

Acne Free in 3 Days N/A
Mr X Acne N/A
Acne Guide By sufferers For Suffers .26%
Acne Cured The E-book .42%
Acne No More .43%
Acne Free In One Night .66%

Valid Acne Solution 26.98%
Ultimate Acne Solution 31.46%

Eat Away your Acne 0%
The Complete Guide to Eliminating Acne 0%
Acne Free In A Weekend 0%
Natural Cures to Acne 0%
These statistics are real & updated on August 18, 2008

Is it absurd to think that one can get rid of acne as easily as purchasing just one of the above products ? No not at all. SALES STATISTICS DON'T LIE ! The Acne free in 3 days e-book has sold somewhere around 1,000,000 copies. To maintain a return percentage of less than .01% is almost unheard of. This book has obviously helped a heck of a lot of people get rid of acne. These people have learned that once you know the secret, acne is a very easy problem to solve.

Due to your past experiences with your quest to get rid of acne, you may find that last statement hard to believe. This is due to incorrect thought processes regarding the problem of acne. It is far from your fault.Most of us learn about treating acne from acne commericials or from people/parents who have learned from acne commercials. Commercials that are full of B.S., motivated only by the taking of your money.

Your first mental hurdle will be to come to the realization that acne is not a skin disease... What you see on your skin, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, etc, are just symptoms of the real problem.
The true problem, the root of the problem is internal...

Is that so hard to believe ? Think about it, when one gets chicken pox you can see it all over their skin. And what you see is just a symptom.
You can get rid of acne without using traditional acne products. In fact, your best course of action envolves zero use of traditonal acne products... Guaranteed !!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How you can get rid of acne no matter where it is on your body

The problem of acne is easily overcome when you come to grips with the fact that what you see on your skin are only the symptoms of the root problem...

Treating symptoms is how acne products approach the problem of acne. It does not rid the problem, it merely sweeps it under the rug, if that...

Millions of people have found several ways to achieve long lasting, permanent relief from acne without using any traditional acne product....